Sunday, April 25, 2010

Erin feeding Ryan some sweet potatoes

Well I decided to make Ryan’s baby food.  I bought this baby food mill when Erin was about 9 months old.  I didn’t use it much with her though, since she didn’t really need pureed foods at that age.  Well it is so easy and fun to make your own baby food.  Plus Jay loves that it is cheap!  For the price you’d pay for one jar you can make enough for 5 servings.  I’ve only made sweet potatoes so far, but here are some pictures of Erin feeding them to Ryan.






Windows Live Writer

Our new look is thanks to this amazing program that Christine and Mike recommended.  It is so much easier and quicker to post now.  You’ll be seeing many more updates now thanks to this user friendly program. 

Strong Museum of Play

We had a great day in Rochester with Trish, Zack and Anna.  This is one amazing children’s museum.  We will certainly be taking the 1hr45min trip there again. 


Erin is playing with this instrument made of PVC pipes.


Erin and Zack pretend to fix a car motor.  It doesn’t surprise me that Erin was drawn to this, since she is so interested in everything that dada does in the garage. 


Erin goes grocery shopping at the children’s Wegman’s.  I wish I had more pictures of this, it was a real “pretend” grocery store.  They even got to ring up the food on a cash register.  Very cool. 


Erin was really drawn to this airplane.  She kept running back into every time we walked by. 



Zack and Erin were having fun in Papa Bear’s workshop. 


Erin cutting some foam wood pieces with Papa Bear’s miter saw. 


Here Erin checks out Papa Bear’s drill press. 


Ryan was such a good boy all day.  He didn’t cry or even fuss once.  He loved watching all the big kids running around and playing.  It was very busy, as school was out for Spring recess all throughout western NY. 


Erin, Zack and Anna brush some really big teeth. 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sibling love!

It is so hard to get Erin to pose for a picture now-a-days. I had to bribe her with a sucker to get her to smile for me. Ryan looks so old in this picture too (can't believe he isn't even 6 months old yet).

Spring is AWE-SOME!

Ryan enjoying his swing ride in the new playground.

Grandma Pat and Erin enjoy the creek together.

Erin can find sand anyplace, even here along the creek.

Ryan loves his walks in the BOB stroller. He's taken naps up to 3 hrs long in here!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Barker Playground

Jay spent a few days putting together this amazing Little Tikes playground for the kids.

Erin loved the tube slide, even before it was attached.

This is really every kids dream for a backyard playground. Besides the components you can see in this picture, it also has a chalkboard, fake telescope, steering wheel and window with shutters that open and close.

Great Job Dada!